CAG Office Logo Maharashtra - Principal Accountant General (A&E-I)  
Online Grievance Redress System for State Govt. Employees relating to GPF and Pension

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* Recommended Browsers * 1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher for Windows (get latest Internet Explorer browser). Refer "FAQ" for other Details.

Citizens' Charter of Accountants General
Recognizing -- the right of the pensioners to receive prompt settlement of their pensionary benefits and provident fund balance dues
Conscious of -- our responsibility as scrutinizing and authorising authority
In Evidence -- of our commitment to provide and maintain the highest quality of service
We Resolve
· To authorize pensionary benefits and provident fund dues within two months of receipt of the cases complete in all respects
· To address the concerned authorities, in respect of deficiencies and defects within one month; and, to keep the beneficiaries informed of such action
· To acknowledge receipt of all complaint cases within one week
· To furnish final replies to complaints relating to retirement benefits within two months of their receipt
· To furnish final replies to correspondence relating to discrepancies in general provident fund accounts within three months of receipt
We Further Resolve -- to suitably disseminate knowledge and information on the procedures and processes to all stakeholders.