Guidelines to use the DAK system
Please contact NIC CELL
(7138; 7316; ) for creation of new user; email
to and
copy to
How to login DAK System & change
the password
1. Open
in Internet Explorer browser
( “Click for Login”
to be selected for login, “Help/Guidelines”
to select to know about the system “
For Login : The user is not required to know its user-login
. It is selected through drop down window. Since it is a long list of users , it is grouped in category . Thus first select the category ( group officer or PS or PA
or SrAO …….) from the drop
down window. Then , within category
select the user from drop down window.
3. Enter your
password ( The default
password is “diary2009” and it must be changed at the earliest. )
· To
Change Password
1. Click on Change Password
2. Enter your old password and
then your new password.
3. Enter again new password to
confirm your password.
4. Submit it.
5. It will
display “ Password is changed”
Module for Letters :( For
Letters Movement )
: This is for diarising of Letter/Fax/E-Mail copy received directly at
the user/section and to forward the same to concerned
user/section. Also this option to use for diarising of
letters (i.e internal letters) to send to any individual/section
in the office itself.
Receipt - This option provides
to receive/acknowledge the letter which is forwarded by any individual/section
or by R&I section for forwarding
of the same to further any individual/section or to keep the letter in
Options are: No action /Not recd physically/ Received
In case Letter not received physically with in 3 days , “Not recd physically–Send back” is
In case the letter is marked as “Filed/
reply” then it will be processed through DISPOSAL
Disposal - This
option provides to select/enter File no. and page no. of the file where the
letter has been kept.
Select and click one of the pending letters
in Disposal Menu.
New screen for disposal of letter will be opened
and select one of three options:
Letter Filed
with no action
Letter Filed
with action being taken
Letter Filed
with action as to be replied
(In all the three cases , the status
of of letter is closed and its file reference to be selected from
drop down window and in case the desired File not
in the list then new file reference to be entered.
If the letter received is an
acknowledgement or reply then the earlier “ Despatch No.” to be selected from
the drop down window.
In this
system, if the letter is despatch through DAK System
& sent to R&I , it would be registered
electronically as
forwarded to R&I vide a unique despatch
number and date. The peon book/ despatch
book etc need not to be maintained The letter
can be traced from the Desk in the section itself . The list of letters despatched from the section can be generated.
This option
facilitates the letters to dispatch from any
section or individual and sent to R&I where it will be received
electronically. One has to login to use the option “Despatch” from the menu, despatch
screen will appear to enter the details.
Fields to be entered :
Type/Letter Type “Original/Reply” If the despatched letter is a reply against any letter received
earlier, then select as “Reply” and the diary number of the
received letter otherwise select it as “Original”.
Despatch Letter No.
: letter number has to be fed for reference.
Section name ) : Select from the window.
Sent to : Select field office/Ministry/PSU/State Govt./Others
to where letter to be sent.
Name of the person or address to be fed in case of Sent to is others
Language : English (default)
Subject : to be entered as per the requirement.
Reply Expected: default as
“NO”. If any reply/acknowledgement is expected against the despatching letter, then
“yes” has to be selected in the asked column.
mode : Select from the window. If despatch
mode is selected as “Speed Post” , the packet
no . will be displayed which is unique for each field
office/individual. Click on “Save” button to save the data for despatched letter.
To view/print
all the letters despatched can be seen using the
option “Despatched
” from the menu of
Reports/Queries –Letters.
All the letters other than ordinary post
have reference number which are to be entered after placing the DAK in
Post office through POSTING MENU .
Posting : ( Only in R & I Section)
After placing the letters /packets in post office , the record of
letters posted will be updated for its date of
posting, Reference No. of posting ( courier No. /
registered number if any, etc.) in R&I
& queries for letters
· List of Diarised letters (in R&I /section/ Group officer )
· Trace a letter ( on Diary No.)
Trace letters (on Letter No. string)
Trace letters (on sender)
· Letters Sent/Letters Received
Letters Pending to Receeive
· List of letter(s) sent to despatch
Trace/status of Letter to be Despatched
/ posted .
List of Despatched &
Posted letters ( Category wise)
List of Letters
to be replied but not despatched
List of Letters
to be replied, are despatched
for Files ( File Movement ):
is same as Letter module. But there is no dispatch in this module. Because file
will not go out of the office through R&I section. In case of letter the
receipt and forwarding taking place at same moment. But receipt/acknowledgement
takes while file received. The forwarding/disposal takes place later. T
Select File from Menu and Select one of the options ( Diarise/Sent to ; Receipt
; Disposal )
Diarise/sent to - means submit the file ( Input
screen )
Receipt/Acknowledgement - means
acknowledge the file : Three option ( No action (default) ; Not
received physically , Received physically, Not
recd physically–Send back)
Disposal/Forward - means
acted upon the file. ( Forward to some one or closed file after action taken)
Reports/Queries (FILES)
Select any one of the various report from Reports/Queries Files column at Home page
Various given reports / queries have been developed :
• Diarised Files (list of files diarised by any user-id)
• Trace a file-specify diary no.
• Trace a file-specify file no. or 3
character string of file
Trace a file-specify subject. or 3 character string of subject
Files - Sent
• Files - Received
Files - Not seen/No action
• Statistical
Pending Report of Officers
• File Pending more than specific days
How to Retain/close a
File : If file is to be retained by anyone, he has to select “Action taken -: File retained “ from the forwarding option. Only the
originator can close the file.
The originator of the file will see the file retained in
the disposal with the remarks “File Retained by – xyz”. The only option available to the originator for
that file will be “Status Closed” in the forwarding option. He has to select “Status Closed”
and submit. The file will be treated as closed.
• New Features :
Pull Back-Not Recvd.
Letters/Files - This
option helps to get back the letter/file which is forwarded either to an
officer/section wrongly or to the officers on leave/tour provided the
letter/file is not received. So When this option is
selected, it shows all the letters/files which are sent by the logged in user
and not received by the receipent yet. The user has
to select the letter/file which is required to be pulled back either to forward
any other officer/section or to close the movement.
Back Letter from Disposal
- This option helps to get back the letter into receipt inbox to forward further
to any officer/section which is wrongly opted for filing/disposal.
For any queries or problems send email to with a copy to